How to Decide Between an Expert and Emotional Self-Reliance Coach
What to know
- Licensed professionals are trained to diagnose and focus on problems to help treat relationship and behavioral problems: ADD, ADHD, Violent/Extreme behavior, Anxiety, Depression, Addictions, etc.
- Cost for experts is typically more compared to coaching.
Emotional Self-Reliance Coaches:
- Emotional self-reliance coaches are trained to focus on positive methods to solve and prevent problems in mental wellbeing, emotional self-reliance, relationships, and parenting.
- A smaller percentage of people experiencing challenges need problems diagnosed by licensed professionals. Most of us simply need more positive skills in emotional self-reliance, and coaching helps to develop these skills.
- Research shows focusing more on positive preventative and problem-solving methods helps a statistically significant number of people feel better about their situation compared to primarily focusing on cause of the problem.
- May not be professionally licensed but are highly trained emotional self-reliance coaches
- May typically cost less than consulting with a licensed expert
- Offer ongoing support to help you implement the emotional self-reliance strategies in online courses.